
Showing posts from August, 2021

2.Chronic Liver Failure ( ESRD)

GM Case history -2 August 23rd Date of admission    - 22-01- 2021  A 22y- old - woman    presented with    blurry vision .   History of Present illness  The patient was apparently asymptomatic    8months back ,then she had blurry vision for a week    and Hypertensive ( BP 220/70mm Hg)    .Consulted to an Opthomologist , found a clot in the eye , suggested a complete body scan .  History of Past illnes -  No history of Weight loss. Not a known case of HTN, CAD, Asthma, TB, Epilepsy, Thyroid disorders. No history of surgeries and blood transfusions in the past.  Personal History  No history of consumption of alcohol. History of low /minimum intake of water . FAMILY HISTORY - No history of DM, hypertension, CVA, CAD, Asthma, Renal disorders. Thyroid disorders in the family. GENERAL EXAMINATION - Patient is conscious, coherent, co-operative. There is    no icterus. No pallor ,cyanosis, clubbing, koilonychia or lymphadenopathy. VITALS - Temperature- 98.6 F  Pulse rate- 98 bpm Respiratory Ra

1. Patient with Liver Abscess

GM Case history -1  July 9th 2021  Date of admission -    05-08-2021  A 26yr- old -man    presented with Fever from    , Blood tinged Cough , Vomitings (Blood tinged) , Dyspnea on exertion    from past 2 months .   History of Present illness  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 months back, then he has been having vomitings 3 episodes per day containing food particles and blood .  Consulted to the nearest hospital but was mis- diagnosed as    TB and took the course for Tuberculosis around 20 days .  Then shifted to    the AMC unit in another hospital . Dark colored stool from 2 weeks .  Abdominal pain .  History of Past illnes -  C/o loss of appetite    over 2 months  Loss of weight over 2 months  Not a known case of HTN, CAD, Asthma, TB, Epilepsy, Thyroid disorders. No history of surgeries and blood transfusions in the past.  Personal History  He has been consuming alcohol for the past 2 years.    Recently consumed beers .  FAMILY HISTORY - No history of DM, hypertension, CVA, CAD,