7.Respiratory Failure

  A 48 yr Male  ,came to opd with Acute History of Poisoning near godavarigudem , nalgonda

History of present illness:

The patient was apparently asymptomatic 12 days ago ( i.e on 23 /11/21 ) Then he consumed excess amount of alcohol ( alcohol intoxication) while he was on duty on his field as a farmer . In altered stage he consumed profenofos ( 100-150ml ) - An Insecticide. He had 3-4 episodes of  vomitings on 23/11/21. 

He was rushed to  Nearby hospital  immediately on 23/11/21  @11 am by his wife . He was given gastric lavage. Pralidoxime and Atropine were administered . He was then shifted to navya hospital  on 23/11/21 where he went into respiratory failure . He was ET intubated on 24/11/21 @4 pm . Pralidoxime, atropine and symptomatic treatment was given . Due to financial concerns he was shifted to our hospital on 25/11/21 insedated stage on mechanical ventilator . Patient was intubated as was diagnosed with  Type 2 Respiratory failure along with Intermediate syndrome   Muscle weakness and paralysis)

ET tube was changed and tracheostomy was done .

Past history:

Patient had history of high grade fever , vomitings and increased secretions

Patient had history of trauma to his LEFT EAR 

1 and 1/2 yr back. 

No history of chest pain ,Hypertension palpitations , 

no history of diabetes,epilepsy,TB,tyroid disorder.

 Personal history:


Appetite- None 

Bowel and bladder- Regular


Addictions - Alcohol - Every day 

Family history:

No history of DM/HTN/TB/ asthma/ thyroid 

No similar complaints in the family previously .

General examination:

No pallor or cyanosis Or icterus or clubbing 

No lymphadenopathy 

No Dehydration or odema 


Temp -101 C/F

Pulse rate -120 bpm

Resp ratec-22 cpm

Bp-120/90mm hg

Systemic examination:

1.cvs-inspection-chest wall is bilateral systemically 

Palpation -normal 

Auscultation-normal with regular heart beat

S1 S2 heard

No murmurs 


Shape of abdomen is scaphoid

No tenderness 

No palpable mass

Liver is palpable 

Bowel sounds are heard 



Inj .Pam IV BD 

Inj . Glycopyrolax  IM BD 

Inj . NAC  IV BD 

Inj . PAN  IV OD 

Inj . Optinuron  IV OD 

Inj . Augmentin IV BD 

Inj .Metrogy   IV TID 

Syp Potklos 

Inj lasix  IV 

Questions : 

1. What is intermediate syndrome? 

2.What is the mechanism of action of atropine ? 

3.What is type 2 respiratory failure? 


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